
日 期
學 位
學 院
9.1985 - 6.1989
Bachelor of Theology (B. Th. 神學學士)

Evangel Theological Seminary(播道神學院)

[蒙主的恩典, 獲授學業成績獎]

9.1992 - 5.1994
Master of Divinity  (M.Div. 道學碩士)                   

Lutheran Theological Seminary(信義宗神學院)

9.1994 - 6.1997
Master of Theology  (M. Theol. 神學碩士)

Southeast Asia Graduate School of Theology (Hong Kong Area) (東南亞神學研究院 香港分院 在信義宗神學院)  

9.1998 - present

Doctor of Theology (D. Theol.神學博士) Studies (正在進修此學位中)

Southeast Asia Graduate School of Theology                                (Hong Kong Area) (東南亞神學研究院 香港分院 信義宗神學院


Midi: Amazing Grace