Answer to Exercise 3 of the Textbook

Special Warning:
  1. A Key can be more hindrance than help in learning a language, if it is not used in a disciplined way. It is quite wrong to consult the Key at each difficulty and at each lapse of memory.
  2. Ideally, a whole exercise should be completed and carefully revised before revised before reference is made to the Key. Failing this, several sentences should be done at a time before they are corrected.

Please pay special attention to the use of punctuation (p. 22).

Since the original is not numbered, sometimes it is easy to skip some.

In case you find some errors, please inform me immediately.

In Exercises 3, 5, 6 the Greek Present is translated by the Present Continuous to emphasize the idea of continuity, which is the primary idea of this Greek tense. After Exercise 6 the Present Simple may be used, providing it gives good sense in the context. It will lessen the pressure of over-translation.
Besides, please download the SPIonic font to show the Greek in all the exercises.

Ex. 3A (Greek to English)

  1. He looses.
  2. We loose,
  3. They loose,
  4. You (pl.) loose,
  5. You (s.) loose.
  6. We find,
  7. He writes,
  1. You (pl.) throw;
  2. You (s.) see,
  3. They raise.
  4. Do they say?
  5. You (pl.) judge,
  6. We throw,
  7. I eat,
  1. They send,
  2. You (pl.) take,
  3. We save,
  4. He remains.
  5. Do You (s.) have?
  6. Do I know?
  7. You (pl.) heal.

Ex. 3B (English to Greek)

  1. luomen,
  2. luousin,
  3. lueiv,
  4. luete,
  5. luei,
  6. luousin,
  7. luei.
  1. e)xete;
  2. swzei:
  3. qerapeuousiv;
  4. ballw:
  5. e)geirei,
  6. krinomen,
  7. meneiv,
  1. krinete:
  2. pempei;
  3. grafete,
  4. e)sqieiv,
  5. eu(riskei,
  6. lambanomen,
  7. blepousin.
  8. legeiv;