Books on Matthew (aimed at laymen only)
Davies, W. D. and Allison, Dale C. A Critical and Exegetical
     Commentary on The Gospel According to Saint Matthew. The
     International Critical Commentary. 2 vols. Edinburgh: T. &
     T. Clark Limited, 1988, 1991.

	 It is a comprehensive analysis on Matthew, but aims at 
	 readers who are fluent with Greek. Not suitable for laymen.

France, R. T. The Gospel According To Matthew: An Introduction 
	 and Commentary. Tyndale New Testament Commentaries.
	 Leicester: IVP, 1985.

	 The whole series of commentaries aims at non-technical readers
	 who don't know Greek (it is transliterated). But the authors
	 analyze the text in Greek, and explain in simple English.
	 This is good for the laymen. Best of all, it has a Chinese 
	 tranlation! The exegesis is easy to be understood.

Green, Michael. The Message of Matthew. Leicester: IVP, 2000.
	 This book is written under threefold ideal: (stated in p.9).
	 1. to expound the biblical text with accuracy
	 2. to relate it to contemporary life, and 
	 3. to be readable.
	 So this book is good for laymen, sermon preparation and Sunday
	 school teachers.	

Gundry, Robert H. Matthew: A Commentary on His Literary and
     Theological Art. Grand Rapids: William B. Eerdmans
     Publishing Company, 1982.

	 Since it studies the text in light of synoptic differences 
	 and their different approaches in handling the original texts,
	 technical knowledge in Greek and Synoptics are assumed. Too much
	 "word study" sometimes makes me feel boring! Not suitable for
	 laymen, or even seminarians who don't have fluent Greek.

Hagner, Donald A. Matthew 1-13 World Bible Commentary. Vol. 33A
	 Dallas: Word Books, 1993.
Hagner, Donald A. Matthew 14-28 World Bible Commentary. Vol. 33B
	 Dallas: Word Books, 1995.

	 Each section has full bibliography, Translation, Notes (textual 
	 problems), Form/Structure/Setting, Comment (Detailed Exegesis on
	 each verse), Explanation (Summary of the exegesis). Though Greek
	 phrases are listed in the discussion, but each are immediate 
     followed by English translation. Complex grammatical problems are
	 seldom discussed, so the discussion can be understood by laymen who
	 are not fluent in Greek. Good reference with "high" price. 	

Hill, David. The Gospel of Matthew. The New Century Bible Commentary.
	 Edited by Matthew Black. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1972.

	 Written in simple English, and all Greek and Aramaic are 
	 transliterated and explained in simple terms. He seems to advocate
	 Black's Aramaic approach: see pp.137-8 on "daily".

Kingsbury, Jack Dean. Matthew as Story. Second edition, revised
     and enlarged. Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1986. 1988.
This book focus on the Narrative Criticism. For example, 
the story of the narrative contains events, characters, 
and settings. The discourse is consisted of the implied 
author and the narrator, point of view, and the implied
Luz, Ulrich. Matthew 1-7 : A Commentary. Translated by Wilhelm 
	 C. Linss. Minneapolis: Augsburg, 1989.

	 The introduction contains very good analysis on Matthew's 
	 style of Greek (but of course in Greek!). The commentary part
	 is written in verse-by-verse format, and less words in Greek
	 form compared with Davies' works. The distinctive part is the
	 "history of influence" on each section of analysis which 
	 shows how this particular section is intrepreted in history.
	 Easy to read and follow.