Childs, B.S. Old Testament Theology in a Canonical Context. London: SCM, 1985.


Analysis of the organization of the book:


I. Message (from God : the Sender)

B. Basic assumption

C. The Law of God [Decalogue --> Torah ---> the whole Bible]

7. Decalogue (unmediated divine message) 8. Ritual & Purity Laws (supplement to decalogue) [p.53]

II. Recipients (to Israel{mediator} ---> all humanity)

D. Recipients of God's revelation

9. Israel as God's chosen people.

III. Mediators of the divine Message

E. The Agents of his rule (from prophets to kings)

IV. Responses demanded

F. Doing God's will in our life (principle)

G. Doing God's will in our life (in practice)


Other clues:

1. Divine imperatives throughout OT in "the narrative, legal, prophetic and wisdow literature." [p.58]

2. How God is known?

Creation [Gen], Wisdom [Prov.] , History[Ps & prophets], Name [Ex]. [pp.30-39]

3. Theological reflections in a canonical context [pp.214-218]

Ps; Prophets; Histories & writings; Patriarchal narratives.

4. Latvus' attempt : [in his notes p.3]

God's rev & will /law (esp. decalogue); mediators of God's message.



1. What is Canonical Approach ?

It stress that the received text, canon, should guide us to interpret the text; rather than the traditional historical approach. [note p.3; cf. Childs pp.6-8]

2. What is the content of this Book ?

3. What is the peculiar contribution of this method compared to other two methods ?

4. What is the process of transmission ? A received text by the community of faith who apply it according to historical situation. [p.12]


Childs, B.S. Old Testament Theology in a Canonical Context. London: SCM, 1985.

Analysis of the organization of the book: on Childs' Canonical Approach. This is an attempt to analyze the organization of his book. This book is required by Dr. Latvus to be used in the exam. of OT Theology. I enjoy reading the whole book.