第二課: 羅馬書之目的和結構


             B. 羅馬書的結構


V. 以修辭學分析的結果(羅馬書的分段)






W. Wuellner 1976

G. A. Kennedy 1984

R.     Jewett








Refutatio 反駁





Narratio 講述





Partitio 分細





Propositio 陳述





Transitus 過渡

1:16-17 [11]




Confirmatio 確證



1:18-15:13  [12]


Peroratio 總結





Exhortatio 勸勉





Conclusio 結論





Epistolary  書信postscript   結尾




留意: 粗体的是多數學者使用的名稱和部份,而其他是部份學者所用的.








   馮蔭坤著                     羅馬書(卷壹)   台北市: 校園書房, 1997. (Fung, Ronald Y. K.)
   鮑會園著                     羅馬書(卷上)       : 天     , 1991. (Pao, John H.Y.)
   鮑會園著                     羅馬書(卷下)   香 港:         , 1992 .
   加爾文著                     羅馬人書註釋  香 港:     , 1978.

   虞格仁著                     羅馬書註釋      香 港:        , 1966. (鍾蒼榮譯)

   Achtemeier, P.J.          Romans (Interpretation).                              Atlanta: John Knox, 1973.
   Barth, Karl.                  The Epistle to the Romans.                         Oxford: OUP, 1968.

  (中譯本: 巴特著       羅馬書釋義(Der Römerbrief) (魏育青譯)         香港: 漢語基督教文化研究所, 1998.
   Barret, C.K.                  The Epistle to the Romans (Black's NTC) 2nd Ed.  London  : A & C Black, 1991.
   Black, Matthew.         Romans. (NCBC)                                          Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1984. (2nd. ed. 1989).

   Bruce, F. F.                  Romans (TNTC) rev. ed.                              Leicester and Grand Rapids: 1985).
   Cranfield, C.E.B.         Romans A Shorter Commentary.             Grand Rapids: T & T,  1985.
   Dunn, James D.G.       Romans 1-8.  Vol. 38A of  Word Biblical Commentary.    Dallas: Word, 1991.
   Dunn, James D.G.    Romans 9-16. Vol. 38B of Word Biblical Commentary.    Dallas: Word, 1991.

   Fitzmyer, J. A.             Romans. Vol. 33 of  Anchor Bible          New York : Doubleday, 1983.
   Hodge, Charles.          Romans.                                                              Carlisle    : Banner, 1983.
   Moo, D. J.                    The Epistle to the Romans. (NICNT) Grand Rapids/Cambridge:   ,1996.

   Murray, John.             Epistle to the Romans. (NICNT)              Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1984.
   Ziesler, J.                     Paul’s letter to the Romans. (TPINTC)         London & Philadelphia:  , 1989.






Boers, Hendrikus.                                The Justification of the Gentiles: Paul’s letters to the Galatians and Romans.

信神227.1066                        Peabody: Hendrickson Publishers, 1994.

                       B633j 1994

Donfried, Karl P. ed.            The Romans Debate. Revised and Expanded Edition.

信神227.106                          Peabody: Hendrickson Publishers, 1991.

                       D717r 1991

Jervis, L. Ann &                   Gospel in Paul: Studies on Corinthians, Galatians & Romans

Richardson, Peter. ed.         for Richard N. Longenecker. JSNT supplement series 108.

中大BS2650.2                       Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press Limited, 1994.

        G67 1994

Lo Lung-Kwong.                  Paul’s Purpose In Writing Romans: The Upbuilding of A Jewish and Gentile 

中大BS2665.5                       Christian Community in Rome. Ph. D. Dissertation presented to University               

        L6 1988                           of Durham in 1988.                

Sanders, E. P.                        Paul and Palestinian Judaism.     Oxford: OUP, 1991.  

Wedderburn, A. J. M.         The Reason for Romans. SNTW  Edinburgh:   , 1989.  


[1] Karl P. Donfried, “Introduction 1991: The Romans Debate Since 1977,” The Romans Debate. Revised and expanded edition. (Peabody: Hendrickson, 1991), p.lxx. 另參, James D.G. Dunn, Romans 1-8.  Vol. 38A of  Word Biblical Commentary.  (Dallas: Word, 1991), p.lv.

[2] :   11:13-24;11:25(目的句 hina-sentence)

[3] NIV Study Bible p.1703. 鮑、Dr Sadnes也支持此說。特別是羅15:24 『蒙你們送行』(原文: propemphthenai )不是指盛大的送行禮, 而是提供方法、路向資料、介紹信, 甚至經濟上的支持。。參 Black's NCBC p.204.

[4] (留意保羅結束三次宣教旅程皆回安提阿述職) 實際上保羅可能以改用以弗所為基地。 他曾長期留駐。但以弗所離西班牙也太遠了。參 Black's NCBC p.4.

[5]    (3:8; 16:17)  保羅用了辯論手法(diatribe): 3:31; 6:1-15; 7:7ff這是羅馬書太普遍性的原因。保羅要在此藉著扼要(Summary), 來為自己和福音辯護。 在羅16章的問侯, 反映出保羅嘗試呼籲認識他的人, 爭取羅馬教會對他的支持。

[6]    15:25 『供給聖徒』是指捐款給他們: 林前16:1,3 林後8:1-9這些物質上的支持是猶太和外邦信徒主內團契的象徵(Symbol)
      保羅可能面對耶路撒冷信徒的反對(15,21),但他不害怕(15:28)。有位學者建議羅馬書是保羅準備向耶路撒冷信徒講道的初稿。這是很有趣的建 議,但可惜缺乏證據。

[7] 支持的學者: Luther, Melanchthon, Calvin, F.C. Baur, Karl Barth, J.A. Bengel, S. Sandmel, and W.G.T. Shedd. 

[8] 支持的學者: E. Renan, J.B. Lightfoot, T.W. Manson. (c.f. R. Jewett who also suggests that Romans was a general doctrinal treatise addressed to more than one congregation, but with

[9] John  L. White, The Body of the Greek Letter. SBLDS 2 (Missoula: Scholars Press, 1972). John  L. White, “Ancient Greek letter,” Greco-Roman literature and the NT. 1988, ed. by D. Aune.  John  L. White, “Introductory formulae in the body of the Pauline letter,” JBL. Vol. 90 1971, pp.91-97. William G. Doty,  Letters in Primitive Christianity (Philadelphia: Fortress, 1973).

[10] In 2:9-10, it state, “There will be tribulation and distress for every soul of man who does evil, of the Jew first and also of  the Greek, but glory and honor and peace to every man who does good, of the Jew first and also of  the Greek.” The return to the “Jew first” motif must be noticed.

[11] Reid also accept this category. Marty L. Reid, “Paul’s Rhetoric of Mutuality: A Rhetorical Reading of Romans,” Society of Biblical Literature 1995 Seminar Papers (Atlanta: Scholars, 1995), p. 123.

[12] Robert Jewett have changed this to probatio and putting Confirmatio as a sub-unit under this. Since this is not a common convention and the proposal is not a wholly new one too, here I follow his previous divisions. New division is seen in Jewett, Robert. “Following the argument of Romans,” The Romans Debate. Revised and expanded edition. Peabody: Hendrickson, 1991, pp.272-276.