A. 馬太福音至七章通常被稱為「登山寶訓」,聖經中最為人認識的一段經文。
B. 過去,學者對這段經文有不同的理解:
三種解釋的共通點,就是以「登山寶訓」為「律法」,按照它們的解釋,耶穌成為:[詳細分析, 請參寶訓的意義]
馬太福音 |
路加福音 |
5:13「你們是世上的鹽。鹽若失了味,怎能叫他再鹹呢?以後無用,不過丟在外面,被人踐踏了。 |
14:34-35[34]「鹽本是好的;鹽若失了味,可用什麼叫他再鹹呢?[35]或用在田裡,或堆在糞裡,都不合式,只好丟在外面。有耳可聽的,就應當聽!」 |
5:14你們是世上的光。城造在山上是不能隱藏的。 |
11:33「沒有人點燈放在地窨子裡,或是斗底下,總是放在燈臺上,使進來的人看得見亮光。 |
5:18我實在告訴你們,就是到天地都廢去了,律法的一點一畫也不能廢去,都要成全。 |
路 16:17天地廢去較比律法的一點一畫落空還容易。 |
A. Luz, p.212. 的交叉平行結構 (參圖)
B. Hagner, p.84.
I. Introduction (5:3-16)
A. The Foundation of Righteous Living: The Beatitudes (5:3-12)
B. The Essence of Discipleship: Salt and Light (5:13-16)
II. The Main Body of the Sermon (5:17-7:12)
A. The Relation between the Old and the New Righteousness (5:17-48)
1. Continuity with the Old (5:17-20)
2. The Surpassing of the Old: The Six Antitheses (5:21-48)
B. Outward vs. Inward Righteousness (6:1-18)
1. Almsgiving (6:1-4)
2. Prayer and the Lord's Prayer (6:5-15) 3. Fasting (6:16-18)
C. Dependence upon God (6:19-34)
1. Serving God Rather Than Wealth (6:19-24)
2. The Disciple and Anxiety (6:25-34)
D. Various Teachings and the Golden Rule (7:1-12) III. Conclusion (7:13-27)
A. The Two Ways (7:13-14)
B. The False and the Genuine (7:15-23)
C. The Parable of the Two Builders (7:24-27)
C. 方保(Fornberg) 1989, p.72.
5:1-2 引言
5:3-16 門徒的處境: 今天和將來
5:17-48 遵行律法
6:1-18 敬虔生活
6:19-7:12 愛人生活
方保對「登山寶訓」的結構分析,與拉比們強調律法、敬拜、和對人顯出仁愛是世界得以存活的三大守則相似(E.g. Simeon this Just was the survivors of the Great Synagogue. He used to say: - Upon three things the world standeth; upon Torah, upon Worship and upon the showing of kindness.)
[彌 6:8] 世人哪,耶和華已指示你何為善。他向你所要的是什麼呢?只要你行公義,好憐憫,存謙卑的心,與你的神同行。
[但 4:27] 王啊,求你悅納我的諫言,以施行公義斷絕罪過,以憐憫窮人除掉罪孽,或者你的平安可以延長。」
D. Jeremias (Sermon) [Hagner p.83]
5:3-19 引言
5:20 主題
5:21-48 文士之義
6:1-18 法利賽人之義
6:19-7:27 門徒之義
註: 另外, 主禱文所在的段落的分析,請參 主禱文講章全文
[太 5:1] 耶穌看見這許多的人,就上了山,既已坐下,門徒到他跟前來,
[太 7:28-29] [28]耶穌講完了這些話,眾人都希奇他的教訓;
- Words for the wise, not blockheads Prov. 26:11
- Dogs = Gentiles ( Str-B I 724f) Pearls = beautiful sayings or interpretations by rabbis, (Str-B I 447f.)
- Dogs = Christian Apostates (2 Peter 2:22 = heretics; hil. 3:2; Ign. Eph. 7:1 = heretics. Barn. 10:3f OT swine = sinners.)
- v.6 is a mitigating gloss – restrict vv.3-5: limits to brotherliness. warning against Gentile mission is wrong. (world mission 28:16-20) against too much laxity (v.6) [Davies & Allison ICC Vol. 1, p.674.]
Matthean context is uncertain. Matthew might take it from Q, thus out of context (Luz p.419.) Did. 9:5 the protection of the gospels against Gentile. (c.f. Gos. Thom. 93.)