馬太 8:14-15 |
可 1:29-31 |
路 4:38-39 |
[14]耶穌到了彼得家裡, 見彼得的岳母害熱病躺著。 他就起來服事耶穌。 |
[29]他們一出會堂,就同著雅各、約翰,進了西門和安得烈的家。 [30]西門的岳母正害熱病躺著,就有人告訴耶穌。 [31]耶穌進前拉著他的手,扶他起來,熱就退了,他就服事他們。 |
[38]耶穌出了會堂,進了西門的家。西門的岳母害熱病甚重,有人為他求耶穌。 [39]耶穌站在他旁邊,斥責那熱病,熱就退了。他立刻起來服事他們。 |
KJV [14]And when Jesus was come into Peter's house, he saw his wife's mother laid, and sick of a fever. [15]And he touched her hand, and the fever left her: and she arose, and ministered unto them. |
KJV [29]And forthwith, when they were come out of the synagogue, they entered into the house of Simon and Andrew, with James and John. [30]But Simon's wife's mother lay sick of a fever, and anon they tell him of her. [31]And he came and took her by the hand, and lifted her up; and immediately the fever left her, and she ministered unto them. |
KJV [38]And he arose out of the synagogue, and entered into Simon's house. And Simon's wife's mother was taken with a great fever; and they besought him for her. [39]And he stood over her, and rebuked the fever; and it left her: and immediately she arose and ministered unto them. |
id Kai\ e)lqw\n o( 'Ihsou=j ei)j th\n oi)ki/an Pe/trou ei]de th\n penqera\n au)tou= beblhme/nhn kai\ pure/ssousan: ie kai\ h(/yato th=j xeiro\j au)th=j, kai\ a)fh=ken au)th\n o( pureto/j, kai\ h)ge/rqh kai\ dihko/nei au)tw|=. |
kq Kai\ eu)qe/wj e)k th=j sunagwgh=j e)celqo/ntej h}lqon ei)j th\n oi)ki/an Si/mwnoj kai\ 'Andre/ou meta\ 'Iakw/bou kai\ 'Iwa/nnou. l h( de\ penqera\ Si/mwnoj kate/keito pure/ssousa. kai\ eu)qe/wj le/gousin au)tw|= peri\ au)th=j. la kai\ proselqw\n h)/geiren au)th\n krath/saj th=j xeiro\j au)th=j, kai\ a)fh=ken au)th\n o( pureto\j eu)qe/wj, kai\ dihko/nei au)toi=j. |
lh 'Anasta\j de\ e)k th=j sunagwgh=j ei)sh=lqen ei)j th\n oi)ki/an Si/mwnoj. penqera\ de\ tou= Si/mwnoj h}n sunexome/nh puretw|= mega/lw|, kai\ h)rw/thsan au)to\n peri\ au)th=j. lq kai\ e)pista\j e)pa/nw au)th=j e)peti/mhse tw|= puretw|=, kai\ a)fh=ken au)th/n: paraxrh=ma de\ a)nasta=sa dihko/nei au)toi=j. |