Section 1: Christ is superior to prophets and angels - God's spokesmen and servants (1:1 - 2:18)
1. Christ is superior to prophets (1:1-3)2. Christ is superior to angels (1:4-13)3. A warning to those who neglect Christ's salvation (2:1-4)4. The reason Jesus was made a little lower than angels, like man (2:7-18)
Section 2: Christ is superior to Moses - the Law (3:1 - 4:13)
1. Christ is greater than Moses (3:1-6)2. A warning to those who harden their hearts (3:7-19)3. A Sabbath-rest to those who believe in God (4:1-13)
Section 3: Christ is superior to every High Priest on earth (4:14 - 8:13)
1. Christ the great High Priest (4:14-5:10)2. Warning against those who fall away (5:11-6:12)3. The certainty of God's promise (6:13-20)4. Melchizedek the Priest (7:1-10)5. Christ same as Melchizedek (7:11-28)6. Christ the High Priest of a New Covenant (8:1-6)7. The New Covenant (8:7-13)
Section 4: The New Covenant through Christ supersedes the Old Covenant (9:1 - 10:18)
1. Worship in the earthly tabernacle (9:1-10)2. The blood of Christ (9:11-28)3. Christ's sacrifice is once and for all (10:1-18)
Section 1: Christ opens a new and living way for believers (10:19 - 39)
1. A new and living way opened (10:19-21)2. Exhortation (10:22-25)3. Warning to those who keep on sinning (10:26-39)
Section 2: Faith is the only way (11:1 - 40)
1. Faith defined (11:1-3)2. A roll call of the heroes and heroines of faith (11:4-40)
Section 3: Christ the perfect model to follow (12:1 - 29)
1. Christ the perfect model (12:1-3)2. God corrects those He loves (12:4-13)3. Final warning (12:14-29)
Section 4: Final exhortations (13:1 - 25)
1. Christ never change (13:1-14)2. The sacrifice that acceptable to God (13:15-17)3. Concluding words (13:18-25)
Details as follows:
Section 1: Christ is superior to prophets and angels - God's spokesmen and servants
Topics |
Chapter & verses |
Main messages |
Quotes from Old Testament |
Christ is superior to prophets |
1: 1-3 |
Christ possesses divine glory |
Christ is superior to angels |
1: 4-7 1: 8-9 1: 10-12 1: 13 |
Christ the only begotten son of God Christ the anointed one Christ the Creator of heavens and earth Christ excels over angels |
Psalm 2:7; 104:4 Psalm 45:6,7 Psalm 102:25-27 Psalm 110:1 |
A warning to those who neglect Christ's salvation |
2: 1-4 |
It is unwise to neglect the great salvation which is spoken by Christ |
The reason Jesus was made a little lower than angels, like man |
2: 7-8 2: 9-11 2: 12-13 2: 14-18 |
Exaltation of men by God to rule everything on earth By the grace of God Jesus tasted death for every human beings Through Christ believers become children of God In dying, Christ can free us from the power of death. By becoming the final sacrifice for sin, Christ can reconcile us to God. In experiencing temptation, Christ can help those who are being tempted |
Psalm 8:4-6 Psalm 22:22 Isaiah 8:17,18 |
Section 2: Christ is superior to Moses - the Law
Topics |
Chapter & verses |
Main messages |
Quotes from Old Testament |
Christ is greater than Moses |
3: 1-6 |
Moses, a servant in God's house; Christ, the son in God's house |
A warning to those who harden their hearts |
3: 7-11 3:12-19 |
Do not follow the rebellious deeds of their forefathers of Moses¡¦ time - they died in the desert and could not enter God's rest Believers should encourage one another Repeat the warning to those who are thinking of turning away from the living God |
Psalm 95:7-11 Psalm 95:7,8 |
A Sabbath-rest to those who believe in God |
4: 1-13 |
Promises of entering a time of great peace and happiness still stands Believers should strive to enter that rest God's words judge the thoughts and attitudes of the hearts of the believers, so be careful |
Psalm 95:11 Psalm 95:7,8 |
Section 3: Christ is superior to every High Priest on earth
Topics |
Chapter & verses |
Main messages |
Quotes from Old Testament |
Christ the great High Priest |
4: 14-16 5: 1-4 5: 5-10 |
Believers have a great High Priest in heaven Believers are encouraged to go to the throne of grace to receive mercy and find grace from Christ High priests in the order of Aaron are also sinners themselves, so they have to offer sacrifices both for their own and the people's sins Christ, is the son of God - designated by God to be High Priest for ever, in the order of Melchizedek |
Psalm 2:7; 110:4 |
Warning against those who fall away |
5: 11-14 6: 1-3 6: 4-12 |
Rebuke the believers for being immature to distinguish good from evil An appeal for progress in doctrinal truth A warning - the peril of apostasy Believers must be diligent, and to imitate those who through faith and patience inherit what has been promised |
The certainty of God's promise |
6: 13-20 |
Two unchangeable things to show God's promise: God's nature to keep promise and God's oath to people, e.g.: God's promise to Abraham |
Melchizedek the Priest |
7: 1-10 |
Melchizedek is priest of God Most High and remains a priest forever Melchizedek gave blessing to Abraham, so he is greater than Abraham, the ancestor of Levi |
Christ same as Melchizedek |
7: 11-28 |
Like Melchizedek, Christ becomes a High Priest on the basis of the power of an indestructible life Christ became a priest with an oath by God, so he has become the guarantee of a better covenant Christ sacrificed himself for all human's sins once for all, and has been made perfect forever |
Psalm 110:4 |
Christ the High Priest of a New Covenant |
8: 1-6 |
Christ has obtained a more excellent ministry than other priests Christ is the mediator of a better covenant founded on better promises |
The New Covenant |
8: 7-13 |
It is put in the minds of God's people There will be a close relationship between God and His people Men's wickedness and sins are forgiven |
Jeremiah 31:3134 |
Section 4: The New Covenant through Christ supersedes the Old Covenant
Topics |
Chapter & verses |
Main messages |
Quotes from Old Testament |
Worship in the earthly tabernacle |
9: 1-10 |
The building of an earthly tabernacle was for the Old Covenant The ancient rites and ceremonies and the sacrifices performed by the priests were shadows of the real sacrifice of Christ |
The blood of Christ |
9: 11-28 |
The redemptive work of Christ, and his blood cleansing from sin, are sublime realities The institutes of the Old Covenant prefigures the perfect sacrificial work of Christ in the New Covenant |
Christ's sacrifice is once and for all |
10: 1-18 |
The oft-repeated Jewish sacrifices were not effectual to take away sin While Christ, by his one great sacrifice, completed the redemptive work for mankind, and ¡§sat down at the right hand of God¡¨ awaiting the consummation of the divine plan |
Psalm 40:6-8 |
Topics |
Chapter & verses |
Main messages |
Quotes from Old Testament |
A new and living way opened |
10: 19-21 |
Believers are given the privilege of entering into the divine presence through the sacrifice and priesthood of Christ |
Exhortation |
10: 22-25 |
To draw near in worship with full assurance, having prepared the heart To steadfastness, mutual encouragement, and faithful attendance upon the means of grace |
Warning to those who keep on sinning |
10: 26-39 |
Warning in respect of backsliding - (a) the penalty visited upon despisers, under the Mosaic law; (b) the worse fate of those who dishonor Christ's sacrifice and the gracious spirit of God |
Deuteronomy 32:35,36 Psalm 135:14 Habbakkuk 2:3,4 |
Section 2: Faith is the only way
Topics |
Chapter & verses |
Main messages |
Quotes from Old Testament |
Faith defined |
11: 1-3 |
Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see |
A roll call of the heroes and heroines of faith |
11: 4-40 |
Notable examples of faith: Abel, Enoch, Noah, Abraham and Sara, Issac, Jacob and Joseph, Moses and his parents, Joshua, Rahab, and many others |
Section 3: Christ the perfect model to follow
Topics |
Chapter & verses |
Main messages |
Quotes from Old Testament |
Christ the perfect model |
12: 1-3 |
Fix our eyes on Christ, the author and maker of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God |
God corrects those He loves |
12: 4-13 |
Do not lose heart when God corrects you, because He disciplines those He loves, and punishes everyone he accepts as His son So make level paths for our feet, and take only ways that are firm |
Proverb 3:11,12; 4:26 |
Final warning |
12: 14-17 12: 18-24 12: 25-29 |
Without holiness no one can see the Lord (take the example of Easu) Unlike Israelites in Moses time, who were trembling when approaching Mt Sinai, believers now have come to Mt Zion to the city of the living God Do not refuse the one who warns us in heaven, for we are going to receive a kingdom that cannot be shaken, so worship God with reverence and awe |
Exodus 19: 12,13 Deuteronomy 19:12,13 Haggai 2:6 Deuteronomy 4:24 |
Section 4: Final exhortations
Topics |
Chapter & verses |
Main messages |
Quotes from Old Testament |
Christ never change |
13: 1-14 |
God will never forsake the believers The Lord is our helper, so do not be afraid Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever |
Deuteronomy 31:6 Psalm 118:6,7 |
The sacrifice that acceptable to God |
13: 15-17 |
Believers are encouraged to continually offer to God, through Jesus Christ, a sacrifice of praise - the fruit of lips that confess God's name |
Concluding words |
13: 18-21 13: 22-25 |
A request for prayers, and a blessing pronounced Final salutation and benediction |
The Student Bible, NIV, Zondervan Bible Publishers, 1990
The New Chain-Reference Bible, Thompson, 4th Improved Edition, B.B KirkbridgeBible Co Inc., 1964
The Chinese Study Bible, 4th Edition, The Rock House Publisher, 1991