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¤G¡D·s¬ù¦U¨÷¦¨®Ñªº¤é´Á *
¤T¡B·s¬ù¥¿¨åªº§Î¦¨ *
¥|¡Bºc¦¨·s¬ù¥¿¨åªº¼Ð·Ç *
¤¡DI´ºÃö³s: ±Ð·|«H®{¬O®a¤H¡C *
¤Þ¨¥: *
(¤@)¥þ¬qªºµ²ºc: *
(¤G)·í¥NI´º: *
(¤T)ÄÀ¸g°ÝÃD: *
®{: ¤@Ó¤À¨É©M¤¬¬ÛÃö¤ßªº¹Î«´(¬Û¥æÃö«Y) : *
ªL«e *
¤»¡D¤åÊ^Ãö³s¡G«Où®Ñ«Hªº¶}©l¤½¦¡ *
Summary of Epistological Study *
Summary of Rhetorical Analysis of Pauline Epistles *
¤é´Á |
¼g§@¦aÂI/¬Ó«Ò |
¡@®Ñ¡@¨÷ |
41-54 |
²¦Ñ¥á(Claudius) |
²Ä¤G¦¸®È¦æ§G¹D¡@50-52 |
ôªL¦h |
¡@ ©««e |
¡@ | ¡@ |
©««á |
50 |
¡@ |
¶®¦U®Ñ |
¡@ | ¡@ |
°¨¤ÓºÖµ1(50-60) |
54-68 |
¥§¿ý(Nero) |
¡@ |
²Ä¤T¦¸®È¦æ§G¹D¡@53-57 |
¥Dn®Ñ«H |
Main Letters¡@ |
55/56 |
¥H¥±©Ò |
¡@¥[©Ô¤Ó®Ñ |
¡@ |
¥H¥±©Ò |
¡@ªL«e |
¡@ |
°¨¨ä¹y |
¡@ªL«á |
56/57 |
ôªL¦h |
¡@ù°¨®Ñ |
ºÊº»¤¤¡@57-62 |
ºÊº»®Ñ«H |
Captivity Letters¡@ |
57/59 |
¸Ó¼»§Q¨È |
¡@µÌ¥ß¤ñ®Ñ |
¡@ |
¸Ó¼»§Q¨È |
[ºqù¦è®Ñ]¡@ |
59/62 |
¡@ |
¸ô¥[ºÖµ |
60/62 |
ù °¨ |
[¥H¥±©Ò®Ñ] |
¡@ |
ù °¨ |
¡@µÌ§Qªù®Ñ |
63 |
¡@ |
¨Ï®{¦æ¶Ç |
¥XºÊº»«á 62-65 |
±Ðªª®Ñ«H |
Pastoral Letters¡@ |
¡@ |
¥H¥±©Ò |
[´£«e] |
¡@ |
¥H¥±©Ò |
[´£«á] |
¡@ |
¨è¨½¯SCrete |
[´£¦h] |
64 |
©¼±o¦º¦bù°¨(64) |
64-70 |
ù °¨ |
°¨¥iºÖµ(64-70) |
65 |
¡@ |
©¼«e |
65-67 |
¡@ |
µS¤j |
66/67 |
¡@ |
©¼«á |
68 |
¸ô¥[ºÖµ | |
69 |
§Æ§B¨Ó®Ñ | |
69 |
69-79 |
ºû´µ©¬¥ý(Vespasian) |
70 |
C¸ô¼»§N³Q·´(70) |
81-96 |
¦h¦Ì¥Ð(Domitian)¹G¢ |
°¨¤ÓºÖµ2(70-85) |
85-90 |
¡@ |
¬ù³ü¡B¬ù¶L¡B¬ù¤T |
90 |
¡@ |
¬ù¿«ºÖµ(90) |
Detailed Reference for this topic: The Development of the Canon of the New Testament
¤½¤¸ 50-140 ¦~ ¡@ |
·s¬ù¦U¨÷®ÑºCºC¼g¦¨¡A¦b¬Y¨Ç¯S©wªº±Ð·|¬y¶Ç¡A¨Ã¥B¦b»E·|¤¤»wŪ¡C¦b³o¬q´Á¶¡¡A§Ú̬ݨìC¿qªº±Ð¾É(´£«e 5:18)¥H¤Î¦³ÃöC¿qªº¦º(ªL«e 11:26)»P´_¬¡(®{ 10:36-40)ªº¨£ÃÒ¡A³Q¨Ï®{̤ޥΡA³£³Qµø¬°¨ã¦³«nªºÅv«Â¦a¦ì¡A¤£¨È©ó¬ù¸t¸g¡C¨Ï®{©Ò¼gªº®Ñ«H¡A±q¤@¶}©l¡A¤]³Q±Ð·|µø¬°¬O¹ï±Ð¸q»P¹ê»Ú¥Í¬¡±Ð¾ÉªºÅv«Â¡C©¼±o´N´¿¸g¤Þ¥Î«Où©Ò¼gªº®Ñ«H(©¼«á 3:15-16)¡C ¥Ñ©ó³o®É´Á¡A¨Ï®{©Î¨Ï®{ªºªù®{̳£ÁÙ¬¡µÛ¡A ³o¨ÇÅv«ÂµÛ§@¤§¶¡©¼¦¹¨Ã¤£±Æ¥¸¡A¤]¥¼¤À°ª¤U¡A¥¿¨åªº·§©À©|¥¼¦¨§Î¡C±Ð·|¶}©l¦³¡u¥¿¨å¡v³oÓ·§©À¬O¦b¤½¤¸²Ä¤G¥@¬ö¤U¥b´Áªº¨Æ¡C ¤G¥@¬öªº¦Z¥b´Á¥|ºÖµ®Ñ¤w¸g¼s¬°¬y¶Ç¡A·í®ÉÁöµM¦b¥Á¶¡¦³³\¦h«_¦WªººÖµ®Ñ¡A¦ý³£¤£³Q±Ð·|±µ¯Ç¡C |
¤½¤¸114¦~ |
°¨¦N¦w¥¿¨å: ¤Ï¹ïµS¤Ó¤Æ¡D³Qµø¬°²§ºÝ¡D ¥L§â³\¦h¨÷»P¬ù¦³ÃöÁpªº³£±Æ°£¦b¥~¡A¥u³Ñ¤U¥h±¼ÀY¨â³¹ªº¸ô¥[ºÖµ¡A¥H¤Î¤Q«Ê«Où®Ñ«H¡G¥[©Ô¤Ó®Ñ¡BôªL¦h«e«á®Ñ¡Bù°¨®Ñ¡B©«¼»Ã¹¥§{«e«á®Ñ¡B¥H¥±©Ò®Ñ(¥LºÙ¤§¬°¦Ñ©³¹Å®Ñ)¡Bºqù¦è®Ñ¡BµÌ¥ß¤ñ®Ñ¡BµÌ§Qªù®Ñ¡C °¨¦N¦w©úÅã¦a±Æ¥¸Â¬ù¡A¥L³oºØ§@ªk«P¨Ï±Ð·|¤H¤h¸s°_¤Ï»é¡C ·í®Éªº±Ð·|»â³S»{¬°ÁÙ¦³§ó¦h¨÷®Ñ¤]À³¦C¤J·s¬ù¥¿¨å¡F¦]¬°³\¦h¦´Á±Ð¤÷³£¤Þ¥Î³o¨Ç®Ñ¨÷§@¬°¿ë©ú«H¥õªº¨Ì¾Ú¡C·í®É¤S¦]¬°¦³³\¦h²§ºÝºCºC¿³°_¡A±Ð·|¶}©l¾D¨ü¨ì¢®`¡A¦Ó¦b®É¶¡¤WÂ÷¾ú¥v¤W¦s¦bªºC¿q¤]·U¨Ó·U»·¡A±Ð·|·U¥[·P¨ü¨ì¦³½sq¥¿¨åªº¥²n©Ê»P¢¤Á©Ê¡A¦n§@¬°«H®{«H¥õ¥Í¬¡¦@¦Pªº·Ç«h¡C [µù: NTIMI, pp.215-7; ¥L¹ï¥¿¨å§Î¦¨¦³¦h¼vÅT¡A²{¦b¾ÇªÌ¦³ÃhºÃ¡D¥H©¹»{¬°ªº°¨¦N¦w¦¡«Où®Ñ«H«e¨¥©M¤Ï°¨¦N¦wªººÖµ®Ñ«e¨¥¡A¥i¯à»P°¨¦N¦wµLÃö¡D¥t¥~¦³¼vÅTªº¨âÓ²§ºÝ¬OÆF´¼¬£Gnosticism©M»X©Z¥D¸qMontanism] |
¤½¤¸170¦~ |
¿p©Ô¦h§Q´Ý¨å(Muratorian Cannon / Fragments) ¦C¥X¤F¤@±i¦b±Ð·|»wŪªº¸g¤å¡A¨ä¤¤¥]¬A¤F°¨¤ÓºÖµ¡B°¨¥iºÖµ¡B¸ô¥[ºÖµ¡B¬ù¿«ºÖµ¡B¨Ï®{¦æ¶Ç¡B«Oùªº¤Q¤T«Ê®Ñ«H¡BµS¤j®Ñ¡B¬ù¿«³ü®Ñ©M¶L®Ñ¡B±Ò¥Ü¿ý¡C ¥¦ÁÙ»¡¡A¦³ªº¤H¤£¦P·N¦b±Ð·|©À©¼±o¦Z®Ñ¡C |
²Ä¤T¥@¬ö |
±Ð¤÷«X§Q®Ú(Origen) ¥Lªº§Ì¤l(Dionysius of Alexandria)»¡¡A¦è¤è±Ð·|±µ¯Ç±Ò¥Ü¿ý¡A¦ýªF¤è±Ð·|ªººA«×¤£©ú½T¡Q¹ï§Æ§B¨Ó®ÑªººA«×¡A«hè¦n¬Û¤Ï¡C¥L¦Û¤v¤ä«ù¶®¦U®Ñ¡B¬ù¿«¶L®Ñ©M¤T®Ñ¬°¥¿¨å¡A¦ý¤£¤ä«ù©¼±o¦Z®Ñ©MµS¤j®Ñ¡C |
¤½¤¸315¦~ |
Àu¦è¤ñ¯Q(Eusebius, 260-340A.D.) ´¿¸g§â·í¥N¦b¦U±Ð·|¬y¶Çªº¸g¨å¤À¬°¤TÃþ¡G
²Ä¤@Ãþ¬O¸û³Q±µ¨üªº¡A¦³¶®¦U®Ñ¡B©¼±o«á®Ñ¡BµS¤j®Ñ©M¬ù¿«¶L®Ñ¡B°Ñ®Ñ¡F ²Ä¤GÃþ¬O°°³y°U¦Wªº¡A¦³«Où¦æ¶Ç¡B¶Â°¨ªª¤H®Ñ¡B©¼±oªº±Ò¥Ü¿ý¡B |
¤½¤¸367¦~ |
¨È¾ú¤s¤Óªº¥D±Ð¨È¨º¥L×( Bishop Athanasius, 297-373A.D.) ¦b¥Lªº¡mFestal Letter for Easter)§â²{¦bªº¤G¤Q¤C¸g¨÷²@µL±ø¥óªº¦C¬°¥¿¨å¡C |
¤½¤¸397 ¦~ |
¶ø¥j´µ¤B(Augustine, 354-430A.D.)°Ñ»Pªº{¤Ó°ò·|ij(¤j¤½±Ð·|·|ij)§¹¥þ±µ¯Ç¤F³o¤G¤Q¤C¸g¨÷¬°¥¿¨å¡C |
[More information:
1) Cross Reference Table: Opinion of Authority on the Writings ;
Just Martyr does not quote by name from any New Testament writings. He does use the formulae of quotation 'it is recorded' and 'it is written', when quoting from the 'Memoirs of the apostles' or simply the 'Memoirs'. These 'Memoirs', Justin tells his non-Christian readers, were called the 'Gospels'. He mentions that in Sunday services of worship, "the Memoirs of the apostles or the writings of the prophets [from the Old Testament] are read, for a long as time permits." In many cases the quotations show features of harmonization with passages in one specific Gospel.
There is also a clear allusion to the Revelation of John.In summary, there is evidence that Justin Martyr considered these books of spiritual value:
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2. ¥¦¥²¶·¨ã¦³¨Ï®{©Ê(apostolicity)¡G¨Ï®{©Êªº·N«ä´N¬O©Î¥X©ó¨Ï®{¤âµ§¡A©Î»P¨Ï®{¦³±K¤ÁÃöÁp¡C¥Ñ©ó¨Ï®{¿Ë¦Û¸òÀH¹LC¿q¡A¥L̪º±Ð¾É³Qªì´Á±Ð·|¤½»{¬°Åv«Â¡A¥L̪ºµÛ§@¦ÛµM«Ü®e©ö´N³Q±µ¨ü¡C
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§ÚÌ°ò·þ®{±`©¼¦¹¤¬ºÙ¡u¥S§Ì©n©f¡v, ¦ý§ÚÌ¥uµø¬°¤@ºØºÙ©I, ¦Ó«D¦³¥ô¦ó¹ê¦bªºÃö«Y¡C¦ý¦pªG§ÚÌ¥H³oºØ¸ÑÄÀ¬Ý¸t¸g, ¦Ü²×·|µo²{¸Ñ¤£³q¸t¸g, ¦Ó¥B¸t¸gªº¥Î¦r, ¥u¬O¡uÄÝÆF¦Wµü¡v, ¨S¦³¦³¥ô¦ó¹ê»Ú§@¥Î¡C¦U¦ì, ¦pªG§A¬O³o¼Ë¬Ý, §A«D¦ý¸Ñ¿ù¸t¸g, ¦Ó¥B¨S¦³¦æ¥X¥Dªº§h©J!Åý§Ṳ́@°_¬ã¨s°¨¤Ó³¹, §ä¥X¥Dªº¤ß·N¡C¤Ó25:31-46
¥¦æªºµ²ºc(Parrallel structure) ¥kÃäºø¦Ï ¥ªÃä¤s¦Ï Æ¡±Ï®¦ / ³Q»@ Damnation:
Æ¢½×ÃÒArgument :
Æ£¤ÀªR¨¥÷Quest for identification:
Ƥ¨¥÷ªº½T©w(Identification) :
µ²½× (Conclusion) :
§Ì¥S¥Í¬¡ªº¨Ò¤l:(The Philadelphia Way of Life in the Early Church)
1)¤@Ó¤À¨É©M¤¬¬ÛÃö¤ßªº¹Î«´(¬Û¥æÃö«Y) : Caring & sharing ®{2:44-45/4:32-35
¡@¡@¡@2)±µ«Ý(»·¤H©Î ½a¤H) (hospitality) : ¸tÀ\(ªL«e:17-34); ²`«pÃö«Y(´£«e3:2)
3)¤ä«ù¦bºÊ¤¤ªº¤H(support for prisoners): ´£«á4:9-13
¡@¡@½Ö¬O¦³»Ýnªº¤H©O(the needy) ¡S¤TºØ¥i¯à©Ê:
2.¤GÓ¼h±: ¹M«ü©Ò¦³¦b§xÃø¤¤ªº¤H(C¿q;¾ú¥v©ÊHistorcal)
¡Ï¡@©Ò¦³¦b§xÃø¤¤ªº«H®{ (°¨¤Ó;½s¿è©ÊRedaction)
¸ÑÄÀ: ¬O²Ä¸Ñ¡C
a)§Ì¥SÌ(adelphoi): ¦b°¨¤ÓºÖµ¤¤¬O«ü¡u°ò·þ®{¡v¡C
b)¡y§Ú³o§Ì¥S¤¤¤@ӳ̤pªº¡z(the least of my brothers) = needy x'ns.
ì¤å: hoi eiachistoi (superlative) ©Î hoi mikroi (comparative)¡@
c)¦¹¬q¸g¤åªº¦ì¸m: °¨¤Ó¦³¤¬qÁ¿½×, ¤»¬q±Ô¨Æ¡C¨C¬qÁ¿½×¬Ò¦³¦Û¤vªº¥DÃD¡C
23-25³¹¬Oªù®{¥Í¬¡¡C(being a disciples) ¨ä¥L:
5-7 ³¹¬O«H®{¥Í¬¡¡C(µn¤sÄ_°V) °Ñ¥t¤@½gÁ¿³¹ªº¤À¬q¡C
10 ³¹¬O®t»º¨Ï®{¡C
13 ³¹¬O¤Ñ°ê¤ñ³ë¡C
18 ³¹¬O±Ð·|¥Í¬¡¡C(Congregation)
i) µS¤Ó¤Hªº®t»º(Shaliah): ³Q®tªÌ(the one sent) ¬O¹³®t¤HªÌ(the sender)¡C
±µ«Ý³Q®tªÌ, µ¥©ó±µ«Ý®t¥Lªº¤H¡C(¤Ó:40; ¸ô9:18)
«H³Q®tªÌ, µ¥©ó«H®t¥Lªº¤H¡C(¬ù :44«H, 45¬Ý¨£, 49Á¿)
µù: C¿q¬O¡u³Q®tªÌ¡vªº«H®§³Ì±j¬O¦b¬ù¿«ºÖµ¡C
ii) §Ì¥SªºÃö«Y(Brotherhood):
·R¿Ë¥Í¥S§Ì´N¬O·R¤÷¥À¡C(¹ï¤ñPlutarch)¨Ò: ¬ù³ü :20-21 (¥H¯«¬°¤÷)
®{: ¤@Ó¤À¨É©M¤¬¬ÛÃö¤ßªº¹Î«´(¬Û¥æÃö«Y) :
¤@Ó¤À¨É©M¤¬¬ÛÃö¤ßªº¹Î«´(¬Û¥æÃö«Y) : ®{2:44-45 / 4:32-35
¡y¤Zª«¤½¥Î¡zhapanta koina: §Î®e®a®x¦¨ûÃö«Yªº¦¨µü(proverb)¡C
¨Ò¸Ñ:¤V¤Ò¶R¦^®a¤¤ªº¶º®à, ©d¤l, ¤l¤k¬O§_¤£¯à¥Î©O?
³oºØ¤u§@ªº¸¨¹ê: ¦´Á±Ð·|·ÓÅU©t¨à©M¹è°ü¡C(´£«e:5 ©M¶®1:27)
¦b¸tÀ\¤¤·ÓÅU½a¤H¡C©Ò¥H, ªL«e11³¹ªº¸tÀ\°ÝÃD¬O·ÓÅU°ÝÃD,¼vÅT±Ð·|¦X¤@¡C
was the foundational Gospel of the Church. See The Influence of the Gospel
of Saint Matthew on Christian Literature before Saint Irenaeus, by ˆ[douard Masseaux,
translated by Norman J. Beval and Suzanne Hecht, edited and written with an
introduction and addenda by Arthur J. Bellinzoni, Peeters and M.U.P., 1990,
translated from Influence de l¡¦ˆ[vangile de saint Matthieu sur la littˆmrature
chrˆmtienne avant saint Irˆmnˆme, Leuven University Press, 1950. The significant
and often compelling Colloquium in Memory of William G. Thompson, S.J., on "The
Gospel of Matthew in Current Study," June 12-14, 1998 at Loyola University
in Chicago, with papers from Donald Senior, C.P., Amy-Jill Levine, Graham Stanton,
Daniel Harrington, S.J., Elaine Wainwright, R.S.M., Richard Ascough, Wendy Cotter,
David Rhoads, Jack Dean Kingsbury, and Anthony Soldarini was notable for its
eloquent testimony to the growing scholarly interest in the First Gospel.
Summary of Epistological Study