·s¬ù¾ÉŪ - ²Ä¤G½Ò: - ¬ù¿«ºÖµ
e. ¤å¾Ç¤ÀªR (Literary Approach: Narrative criticism)
Note: Greek font may be in SPIonic or Symbol.
1. ¼ð¼}²zµÛ ·s¬ùºîÄý (»´ä: «Å¹D, 1985).
2. Kysar, Robert. ¡§John, The Gospel of,¡¨ Anchor Bible Dictionary, Vol. 3, pp. 912- 931.
3. Krentz, Edgar. M. ¡§Thessalonians, First and Second Epistles to the,¡¨ Anchor Bible Dictionary, Vol. 6, pp. 515-523.
4. Johnson, L.T. ¡§ Luke-Acts, Book of,¡¨ Anchor Bible Dictionary, Vol. 4, pp. 403- 420.
5. §Úªººô¤WÂø»x¡G¨Ï®{¦æ¶Ç½Òµ{¤º®e: http://philenid.tripod.com
6. New backup site: http://philipyim.0catch.com
7. Books: The Social World of Luke-Acts: Models for Interpretation Edited by Jerome H. Neyrey
8. Tannehill Robert C. , The Narrative Unity of Luke-Acts--A Literary Interpretation Volume 2: The Acts of the Apostles
9. On-line Research information on John
[other reference: Characteristics ;
[other reference: Jones, Edgar The Authorship of the Fourth Gospel ]
The Internal Evidence of the Fourth Gospel
1. ¼g§@¤é´Á¡G ¤½¤¸40-110¦~¶¡¡A¦ý¤£¤Ö¾ÇªÌ©w¦b90-95(Jamnia¤j·|)¡A¤]¦³³¡¥÷´£Ä³¦b80-85¦~¡C
2. §@ªÌ¡G¬ù¿«¡C
George Mlakuzhyil's The Christocentric Literary Structure of the Fourth Gospel was described as a book with which to be reckoned (cf. Kerux 5:1 [May 1990]: 47-50)¡CIn response to theis, the Scandanavian journal, Studia Theologia, featured a major critique of Mlakuzhyil by Gunnar Ostenstad entitled "The Structure of the Fourth Gospel: Can it be Defined Objectively?" (Vol. 45 [1991]: 33-55.) :- ¤T¤åªvµ²ºc.
Taking Jn. 8:12-12:50 as the central section of the gospel, Ostenstad argues that the remainder of the book is oriented concentrically around this central section.
1. Part One consists of 1:19-2:25;
2. Part Two, 3:1-4:54;
3. Part Three, 5:1-7:52.
4. Part Four is the Central Section (8:12-12:50).
5. Part Five spans 13:1-17:26;
6. Part Six is the Johannine Passion Narrative, 18:1-19:42;
7. Part Seven includes 20:1-21:24.
The whole is flanked by the Prologue (1:1-18) and the Epilogue (21:25).
[§ó¦h°Ñ¦Ò¸ê®Æ: The Gospel
of John: An Introduction, by James T. Dennison, Jr.
The Structure
of John's Gospel The Present State of the Question, , by James T. Dennison,
1-12³¹ ¼x¥ü¤§®Ñ(Book of Signs) C¿q¤½¶}ªº¤u§@¡G¦b¥[§Q§Q©MµS¤j¤§¶¡¬¡°Ê¡C
13-20³¹ºaÄ£¤§®Ñ(Book of Glory) »Pªù®{ªº¿W³B(13-17³¹) C¿qªº¨ü¦º(18-21³¹)
1. ¨Ï¥Î¤£¤Ö¿W¦³ªº¦r: ¥Í©R¡A¥ú¡A¶Â·t¡A¯u²z¡A¥@¬É¡AµS¤Ó¤H¡Aª¾¹D¡A¤¤«O¡A¨à¤l(Son)¡C ¡§®t§Ú¨ÓªÌ¡¨«ü¤Ñ¤÷ , ¦b¨ä¥LºÖµ®Ñ«Ü¤Ö³o¼Ë¥Îªk¡C
2. ¿W¦³: «½Æªº¥Î¦r ¡§¹ê¹ê¦b¦b¡¨(amen amen) (¬ù1:51; 10:1; 12:24)¡C
3. ¯S¦³: ¤CÓ¡§§Ú¬O¡K¡¨ (ego eimi, I ¡§I am¡¨ egw eimi ; e)gw¡Â ei¹mi - 6:20, 35, 51; 8:24; 15:5)¡C[À³¥Î:»{ÃÑ¥D¤j¯à] ["I AM" Sayings in the Fourth Gospel (in Greek)] Seven of these occur with predicate nominative: [1]
i) §Ú¬O¥Í©R³I am the Bread of Life (6:35,51)
ii) §Ú¬O¥@¬Éªº¥úI am the Light of the World (8:12; 9:5)
iii) §Ú¬Oªù I am the Gate (10:7,9)
iv) §Ú¬O¦nªª¤H I am the good Shepherd (10:11,14)
v) §Ú¬O´_¬¡¥Í©RI am the Resurrection and the Life (11:25)
vi) §Ú¬O¹D¸ô¯u²z¥Í©RI am the Way, the Truth and the Life (14:6)
vii) §Ú¬O¯u¸²µå¾ðI am the True Vine (15:1)
4. ½×z¬qªø½g¤j½×(¹ï¤ñ ¤Ó5-7³¹; ¬ù14-16³¹)¡C
5. §Æþ¤å¥Î¦r¤W, ²V¦X¦P¸qµü¨Ï¥Î (¨Ò: ¬ù3³¹; ¬ù21³¹)¡C¦r·J«Ü¤Ö ¡A¤åªk²³æ¡C·®æ¤Ï¬M¦³µS¤Ó¤HI´º¡A¦³³¡¥÷°{»y¥[¤J¡C
6. «ÂÐ: ¥i¯à¬O¸ÖºqÊ^·®æ¡C¨Ò¦p: ¬ù17³¹ ¡C(¦³¥¦æ, µ«ß), ¥i¯à¤è«K¤½¶}¹|Ū¡C
7. ¤]½Í¨ì¸tÆFªº¤u§@¡G¥H¸tÆF¬°«O´f®v»PC¿q¬Û´£¨Ã½×¡C
8. °O¸¹(Signs): ¯«Âݧ@¬°°O¸¹ (sˆlmeion, shmeion)¡A«µø«H©M¥Í©R¡C ¤CÓ¯«ÂÝ¡C
Traditional list of seven (or eight?) signs: [2]
2:1-11 Water into Wine at Cana - "Jesus did this, the first
of his signs... and manifested his glory" (2:11)
b) 4:46-54 Official¡¦s son near death at Capernaum - "the
second sign that Jesus did" (4:54)
c?) 5:1-9ff Healing of a sick man at Pool of
Bethesda - called a "work," not a "sign" (7:21; cf. 5:17)
d) 6:1-14ff Feeding
of the 5000 - "When the people saw the sign which he had
done..." (6:14)
e?) 6:16-21 Walking on
water (never called a "sign", and does not function as one!)
f) 9:1-7ff Healing of a man
born blind - "How can a sinner do such signs?" (9:16)
g) 11:1-45 Lazarus raised from the dead - "they heard
he had done this sign" (12:18)
h?) 21:1-14 Resurrection Appearance at Sea of Tiberias (not called a "sign", but closely related)
2:1-11 Water into Wine at Cana - "Jesus did this, the first
of his signs... and manifested his glory" (2:11)
b) 4:46-54 Official¡¦s son near death at Capernaum - "the
second sign that Jesus did" (4:54)
c?) 5:1-9ff Healing of a sick man at Pool of
Bethesda - called a "work," not a "sign" (7:21; cf. 5:17)
d) 6:1-14ff Feeding
of the 5000 - "When the people saw the sign which he had done..."
f) 9:1-7ff Healing of a man born blind - "How can a sinner do such
signs?" (9:16)
g) 11:1-45 Lazarus raised from the dead - "they heard
he had done this sign" (12:18)
h?) 21:1-14 Death & Resurrection Appearance (not called a "sign", but closely related)
or delete c) & Take 5 signs with Jesus¡¦ death & resurrection as the 6th and 7th ones.
"Many other signs" mentioned, but not narrated: 2:23; 3:2; 6:2; 7:31; 9:16; 11:47; 12:37; 20:30-31; cf. 4:45
Greek term |
English transl. |
Matt |
Mark |
Luke |
John |
Acts |
rest of NT |
du/namij (dynamis) |
"power; mighty deed(s)" |
12 |
10 |
15 |
0 |
10 |
72 |
shmei/on (semeion) |
"sign(s)" |
13 |
7 |
11 |
17 |
13 |
16 |
te/raj (teras) |
"wonder(s)" [always w/ "signs"] |
1 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
9 |
5 |
e)/rgon (ergon) |
"work(s)" or "deed(s)" |
6 |
2 |
2 |
27 |
10 |
122 |
(all words) |
All words: Total |
32 |
20 |
28 |
45 |
42 |
215 |
signs +works |
19 |
9 |
13 |
44 |
23 |
138 |
signs +works /total |
0.59375 |
0.45 |
0.464286 |
0.977778 |
0.547619 |
0.64186 |
signs/total |
0.40625 |
0.35 |
0.392857 |
0.377778 |
0.309524 |
0.074419 |
works/total |
0.1875 |
0.1 |
0.071429 |
0.6 |
0.238095 |
0.567442 |
1. °ò·þ: ¯«»P¯«ªº¹D, ¤CÓ¡§§Ú¬O¡¨, ¨à¤l¦W¸¹, ¨º®t¨ÓªÌ, ¨Ó·½»P©R©w
2. ¤Q¦r¬[: µn¦ì, ±oºaÄ£»P¤É¤Ñ, ·s¹O¶V¸`, ¯«·Rªº°ªûߦæ°Ê(15:13)
3. ¤G¤¸½×: ¥ú©ú¹ï¤ñ¶Â·t(1:5); ¤W©M¤U(8:23); ¥Í¦º(3:36)
4. «H¤ß: «HC¿q (believe in; 1:12; 3;18; 12:46), Ó¤H©e¨¡C
5. ¥½¥@½×: ¥¼¨Ó´_¬¡(6:39-40, 54), ¼f§P(²{¦b 3;18)
6. ¸tÆF: =¯«¦P¦b(4:42); «O´f®v(14:15-17; 15:26-27; 16:7-11,12-14)
7. ¸t§: ¨Sª½±µÁ¿¸t§; C¿q¨Sµ¹¤H¦æ®û§(3:22; 4:2)? [¹ï¬ù3³¹]
8. ±Ð·|: ¸tÆF¦P¦b; »P¥@¬É¤£¦P(1;12); ªK¤l(15:1-7)
Culpepper, R. Alan. Anatomy of the Fourth Gospel: A Study in Literary Design. (Philadelphia: Fortress, 1983).
e. ¤å¾Ç¤ÀªR (Literary Approach: Narrative criticism)
³oùØ¥u¥]¬A·t¥Ü©ÊµùÄÀ(Implicit Commentary: - Misunderstanding, Symbolism, Irony)
1. »~¸Ñ (misunderstanding) ¡V°ò·þ(¥Î¶H¼x) ˆj ¹ï¶H(¥Î¦r±) ¨Ò: ¬ù4 ¼»º¿§Q¨È°ü¤H.
1. ¹ï¤ñ¹ïÆ[ºÖµ, C¿q·|¦b¨p¤U¦Vªù®{Á¿¸Ñ¤ñ³ë.
2. ¬ù3:3 ( anwqen ) :- «·sagain (¥§ô©³¥À) / «¤W¨Ó (C¿q)
3. ¬ù3:5 ¤ô©MÆF ¤Î ¤ô©M®û§ (±q¤ô¦Ó¥Í)
4. ¬ù4:10-11 ¡§¤ô¡¨°ÝÃD (¬¡¤ô¡¥udwr zwn )
5. ¬ù8:33 ¡§¦Û¥Ñ¡¨°ÝÃD (¬Fªv¤£¦Û¥ÑˆjÄÝÆF¦Û¥Ñ, ¤£¨ü¸o¼vÅT.)
6. ¬ù11:11-12 ¡§ºÎ¡¨ ( kekoimhtai ) ºÎ ˆj¦º.
7. ¬ù11:23-24 ¡§´_¬¡¡¨ (Anasthsetai ) ±N¨Ó´_¬¡(v.24) ˆj²{¦b´_¬¡(v.25) .
8. ¬ù14:5-8 §Ṳ́£ª¾§A©¹¨ºùØ¥h.
»~¸Ñ¥DÃD¥Dn¶°¤¤C¿qªº¦º, ´_¬¡, ºaÄ£(2:19-21; 6:51-53; 7:33-36; 8:21-22; 12:32-34; 13:36-38; 14:4-6; 16:16-19).
1. ¤À§O§½¤º¤H(insiders, ©ú¥ÕC¿qªº¤H)¤Î§½¥~¤H.
2. ¥h°£¹ï¬ù¿«¯«¾ÇªºÃhºÃ©Î¿ùı.
3. ±Ð¾ÉŪªÌ¬O¸ÑŪ¬ù¿«ºÖµ.
2. ¶H¼x (Symbolism) ¡V°ò·þ(¥Î¶H¼x) ˆj ¹ï¶H(¥Î¦r±) ¨Ò: ¬ù4 ¼»º¿§Q¨È°ü¤H.
ª«½è |
¶H¼x¤Î¸g¤å |
°s |
¬ù2 a) ¤j¶q b) À±ÁɨȺá®u |
¸t·µ[¥Lªº¨Ê^] |
¬ù2:13 ¥H¥Lªº¨Ê^¥N´À¸t·µ |
¤ô |
¬ù7:38; 19:34 (¤ô©M¦å=¬~§); 4 (¬¡¬u, =®¦¨å©Î¸tÆF) |
ÄÑ¥]Bread |
¬ù 6 («H¯«? ¸tÀ\, ÄÝÆF¹ª«=¯«¦Û¤v) |
¥ú, ¬Ý¨£, ½M |
¬ù1(«e¨¥), ¬ù3:19-21; 8:12; ¬ù9 |
¦nªª¤H |
¸²µå¾ð©MªK¤l |
¸t§ |
¥þ³¡¬Ò¬O? O. Cullmann |
3. ¤Ï¿Ø (Irony) ¡V°ò·þ(¥Î¶H¼x) ˆj ¹ï¶H(¥Î¦r±) ¨Ò: ¬ù4 ¼»º¿
ªí±·N¸q |
²`¼h·N¸q |
¸g¤å |
¤ñ¶®¦U¤j |
¯«¤ñ¶®¦U¤j |
4:12 |
¥h§Æþ¤H³B?¥h¨º¸Ì©O? |
¥h¦º |
7:35 |
¦Û±þ?§Ṳ́£¯à¥h? |
³Q±þ |
8:22 |
§Ú̪¾¹D³o¤H¬O¸o¤H! §Ú̬O½Mªº¶Ü?! |
ªk§QÁɤH¬OÄÝÆF½M²´ |
9:24-40 |
n±þC¿q |
C¿q¬°¤HÅ«¸o. µL·NÃѦa¹w¨¥ |
11:48-50 |
C¿q³Qµø¬°§g¤ý¯ë,³QÀ¸§Ë. |
¬Oªº, ¥L¬O§g¤ý! |
19:3,14,19,22 |
4. ¦h«·N¸q (Levels of Meaning) ¡V
3:3 a)nwqen¡V anothen ¨â¸Ñ :- ¤W, «·s
3:8 to\ pneu~ma ¡V to pneuma ¦h¸Ñ :- ·, ÆF, ®ð®§
3:14u(/ywsen¡V hupswsen ³QÁ|°_: °ò·þªººaÄ£¦b¤Q¦r¬[³Q°ªÁ|(shame)
13:1 ei)v te/lov ¡V eis telos ¨â¸Ñ:- to the end(last point), the Finish (X), to an extreme.
19:30-31 tetelestai ¡V v.30 tetelestai (It is finished) What is finished?
1) finished 2) pefected.
v.31 pare/dwken to\ pneu~ma
1)He died 2) He gave Holy Spirit to the Lord.
[1] http://homepage.ntlworld.com/rsposse/iamintro.htm Carson comments "The precise form is unique to the Fourth Gospel, but as Barrett notes, the Synoptics display other forms of ¡¥I¡¦ utterances, while Synoptic parables ¡¥provide much of the subject matter of the Johannine ¡¥I-sayings¡¦." That is, whilst the particular form is peculiarly Johannine, the subject matter of the revelations contained in them are, at least, implicit within the Synoptics.
[2] http://myweb.lmu.edu/fjust/John/Themes-Signs.htm