<<ªÀ ·| ¾Ç »P ·s ¬ù ¬ã ¨s>> ½Ò µ{ §ã n
¤Þ ½×: ªÀ ·| ¾Ç »P ·s ¬ù ¬ã ¨s
±M ÃD: «ç¼Ë²z¸Ñ¦´Á±Ð·|¨Ï¥Îªº®a®x¦r·J©O¡S----®a®x¦¡¥Í¬¡¬O±Ð·|¤é±`¥Í¬¡¡C
·s®a®x: ¦´Á±Ð·|«H¥D«áªº§xÃø¡C(®a®x§xÃø) --> »Ýn¡u·s®a®x¡v
1) ¥j¥N®a®x -- ºîÄý (®a®x´£¨Ñ¬Æ»ò¡S)
2) ¦r ·J: ·s¬ù¤¤ªº®a®x¦r·J¡C(ªì«HªÌ¹J¤W¤@Өϥήa®x¦r·Jªº¸sÊ^)
3) °ò·þ®{«ç¼Ë¥Í¬¡¹ï¤ñ¥j¥Nªº®a®x (How Christians live together, compared with Antiquity family.)
½× ÃÒ 1: ¦´Á±Ð·| ªº ªÀ·|I´º: ®a®x¡C(®a®x±Ð·|)
½× ÃÒ 2: ®a®x¦r·J ªº §@¥Î: ¹ªÀy®a®x¦¡ªºÃöÃh¡C
½× ÃÒ 3: §Ì¥S¥Í¬¡ ªº ¨Ò¤l:(The Philadelphia Way of Life in the Early Church)
½× ÃÒ 4: ¥~ ¤H ªº ¬Ýªk: §@¬°Control¡C
¤Þ ½×: ªÀ ·| ¾Ç »P ·s ¬ù ¬ã ¨s
D.Tidball, An Introduction to the Sociology of the New Testament Pater
Noster Press, 1983.
Carolyn Osiek, What are they saying about the social setting the NT¡S
NY & Ramsey, NJ. 1984 [H p.19]
Form-criticism Redaction Criticism Structuralistic exegesis
(life-settings) (Theology)
Sitz im Leben
The dominance of idealism in NT studies: Church concerns ideas ONLY!
C.f. Social context <--> theology (metaphor: body & soul)
e.g. 1 Cor. 11 Communion Conflict !
µù1: R. Alsatair Campbell, Does Paul
Acquiesce in Divisions at the Lord's Supper?
Novum Testamentum Vol XXXIII Jan 1991 Fasc. 1. pp.61-70.
According to the author, G. Theissen rightly drew attention to the inequality
of menu.(1 Cor 11:21) to idion deipnon = meals of a higher quality to serve
the well- to-do while the well-off guests get more meagre rations.
But v.19 is taken by commentaries as Paul's expectation that in last days there
would be divisions. However,Campbell suggests a NEW explanation [p.70] "For
there actually has to be discrimination in your meetings, so that if you
please (free translation)the elite may stand out from the rest. "
Other reference: T. Engberg-Pedersen " The gospel & Social practice according
to 1 Cor. " NTS Vol. 33(1987) 557-584.
It casts doubts on concept of " love-patriarchalism ".
µù: W.A.Meeks, The First Urban Christians, The Social World of the Apostle
Paul, 1983.
Women position in the church. (Culture & Personal experience affect it.)
Like Christian had minds & spirts unconnected with their individual &
corporate bodies. [H p.63] Other Ref: Robin Scroggs NTS 26,1980, 164-179
esp 165-9.
2 Levels of sociological approach [H p4]
µù: This classification is according to Philip J. Richter.
1) «eªÀ·|¾Ç(Proto-sociology / Social History):
According to Jonathan Z.Smith : This is divided into 3 different kinds, namely,
a) Social realia found in Christian writing & contemporary materials
b) Social organization of Christianty
c) Social history
N.B. This is social description, using ordinary historical method.
J.Jeremias, Jerusalem in the Time of Jesus, An Investigation into Economic
and Social Conditions of Jerusalem during the NT period (Philadelphia: Fortress,
1969) N.B: Women Position in p.359f & Part Three on Social Status p.147f.
M.Hengel, Judaism and Hellenism, Studies in their Encounter in Palestine
during the Early Hellenistic Period (London: SCM, 1974) Vol I &
II {«H¯«296 H387 V.1&2}
Outline of Vol. I [& Vol II contains footnotes only.]
I. Hellenism as a political & enconomic force ==> secular force in Palestine.
II. Hellenism as a culturcal -->influence Jews ==> Hellenistic Judaism.
III. Encounter & conflicts ===> Palestinian Jeudaism between Reception
and Repudication of Hellenism.
IV. Reform Attempt ==> its failure & far-reaching consequences of Jewish
A.J.Malherbe, Social Aspects of Early Christianty (1977)
G.Theisssen, Sociology of the Jesus Movement
2) ªÀ·|¾Ç¸ÑÄÀ(Sociological explanation)
Definition: " to explain a particular problem or suggest links
between apparently unrelated data in the same or different sources" (by Richter
[H p.5])
Ref: J.G.Gager, Kingdom and Community, The Social World of Early Christianty,
1975 - applying theories from social sciences. Delayed parousia causes Mission.
Is historical sociology possible at all¡S
Some Problems:
* Evidence nature: faith documents.
* Culture difference.
* Can't test a hypothesis.
eg. Max Weber's work on Ancient Judaism (assumptions).
1) Historical : Jews now = Jews before.
2) Cultural : Ancient Israel = Indian Society & caste order.
3) Data : OT is subset of all contemporary literature ->similiar nature
Use Social-anthropological models
Sociological analysis is a legitimate continuation and a deepening of historical
There is no single "sociological method" - a methodological pluralism.[H
N.B. Aim of NT Sociology :
Event (special life situation) ---> Interpretation (Typical daily life)
Sociology and Theology
Reductionalism : Religion is nothing but a social phenomena.
Sociology and Theology represent a partial understanding of the whole
Introductory information can be read in Wlater F. Taylor, Jr " Socialogical
Exegesis : Int. to a New Way to Study the Bible. Part II " Trinity Seminary
Review Vol 12, Num 1 Spr 1990. pp.26-42.
¨Ò¤l1: «eªÀ·|¾Ç(Proto-sociology): ¦´Á«H®{ªºªÀ·|¶¥¼h
ªº¦@ÃÑ(The old concensus)
·sªº¦@ÃÑ(The new concensus)
--- °ò·þ±Ð¬O¥£¹²ªº©v±Ð¡C | --- °ò·þ±Ð¬O¤¤²£ªº©v±Ð¡C¶¥¼h«D©ö©w |
Adolf Deissmann [Malherbe 8-9]The Light from East (1965 tr.) |
G. Theissen : ¬ã¨s ªL«e1:26-29 W.A.Meeks The First Urban Christians, koine Gk The Social World of the Apostle Paul |
°¨§J´µ¦¡ªº«ä·Q:§C¤U¶¥¼hªº§ï²¹B°Ê | «D°¨§J´µ¦¡ªº«ä·Q:¤¤²£¶¥¼hªº©v±Ð¹B°Ê |
--- °ò·þ±Ð¬O¥£¹²ªº©v±Ð¡C | --- °ò·þ±Ð¬O¤¤²£ªº©v±Ð¡C¶¥¼h«D©ö©w |
1)¦´Á±Ð·|¬O¦PÃþªº¸sÊ^¡C | 1)¦´Á±Ð·|¬O«D¦PÃþªº¸sÊ^¡C |
2)Celsus, Contra Celsum III 55 | 2)±Ð·|§@«~¥X©ó«°¥«¡C«H®{¬O³æ¯Âªº¤H¡C |
3)®{4-5³¹ :¦@¨É©Ò¦³ªºªF¦è¡C | 3)¦³¼vÅT¤Oªº¤H¤§¤ä«ù¡C |
4)«OùªºI´º¡C | |
5)¤j¶qªº®È¦æ©M±µ«Ý¡C | |
6)®Ñ«H©M®{¤Ï¬M¦´Á«H¥Dªº¤H¤¤¬O¦³¿úªº |
Ref: W.A.Meeks, The First Urban Christians, The Social World of the Apos-
tle Paul, 1983. This reflects common opinions in NT scholars.
µù3: Rankings Analysis and Response to the new consensus is found in
Holmberg, Bengt. Sociology & the NT: An Appraisal pp.225-67.
Response to New Consensus:
1. New Consensus represents Pauline churches ONLY !!
eg. poor Macedonian Christians VS well-to-do Christians (Corinth) [p.68]2. Data is scare & meagre --> Not possible to have social history.
3. No precise definition of social class.[p.70]
¨Ò¤l2: ªÀ·|¾Ç¸ÑÄÀ: °ò·þ®{«Å±Ð¤u§@·½°_ (J.G.Gager)
J.G.Gager, Kingdom and Community, The Social World of Early Christianity,
Millenarian groups' expectation applied to unfulfilled prophecy in Christians
: delayed parousia causes cognitive dissonance Causes cognitive dissonance.
Solution : Mission
1.Culture differences
2.Normal dissonance (B.F.Malina): Jews accustomed to delay.
(Plus, wrong imposition from the later periods which imatiate the former.)
¨Ò¤l3: ªÀ·|¾Ç¸ÑÄÀ: «Oùªº¦]«HºÙ¸q·½°_ (F.Watson)
Point of departure: NT theology has to be explained from social situation in
which it arosed.
Application: Mission of Early Church:
1) Judaizers: a reform-movement within Judaism;
2) Paul : a sect separated from Judaism.
Sects have 3 reaction stages:
a) denunciation -->
b) opposition -->
c) a rational/ideologicallegitimation;a secondary retinale for the separation
that hasalready taken place.
Pauline church as a sect: in order to strengthen the sect he emphasizes Justification
by grace. (De-Lutherize Paul) --> outdated theology.
1. A neglect of Paul's theological identity.
2. Is Pauline Christianty simply a sect from Judaism ? (What about the Jewish
¨Ò¤l4: ªÀ·|¾Ç¸ÑÄÀ: ¯«¾Ç »P ¦´Á±Ð·|¥Í¬¡ªºÃö«Y
¼Ò¦¡1: ¯«¾Ç ------> ¦´Á±Ð·|¥Í¬¡
¨Ò:°ò·þ³Q°v ¨üWº]¼Ë (©¼«e2:18-23)
C¿q¨ü¦º ¤Í±¡º]¼Ë (¬ù15:13; µÌ1-2)
°ò·þ´_¬¡ ·s¶}©l: »PµS¤Ó±Ð¤ÀÂ÷¡C[ù4:17 -->³Ð³y¤j¯à : short Cranfield p.93]
¼Ò¦¡2: ¯«¾Ç <------ ¦´Á±Ð·|¥Í¬¡
¨Ò: °ò·þ®{«Å±Ð¤u§@·½°_ (J.G.Gager)
¨Ò: «Oùªº¦]«HºÙ¸q·½°_ (F.Watson)
¼Ò¦¡3: ¯«¾Ç <-----> ¦´Á±Ð·|¥Í¬¡
¨Ò: «ç¼Ë²z¸Ñ¦´Á±Ð·|¨Ï¥Îªº®a®x¦r·J©O¡S----®a®x¦¡¥Í¬¡¬O±Ð·|¤é±`¥Í¬¡¡C
<< ±M ÃD: «ç¼Ë²z¸Ñ¦´Á±Ð·|¨Ï¥Îªº®a®x¦r·J©O¡S >> ----®a®x¦¡¥Í¬¡¬O±Ð·|¤é±`¥Í¬¡¡C
¤Þ¨¥: ¦^±Ð°ê®a«H¥D«áªº§xÃø¡C
a) ·s®a®x:
¦´Á±Ð·|«H¥D«áªº§xÃø¡C(®a®x§xÃø) --> »Ýn¡u·s®a®x¡v(New Converts needs a NEW family)
b) ¦r ·J: ·s¬ù¤¤ªº®a®x¦r·J¡C(ªì«HªÌ¹J¤W¤@Өϥήa®x¦r·Jªº¸sÊ^)
(They meet a congegration with family vocabulary)
°ÝÃD:Two related questions of correlations:
a) Church life: Self-presentation <---> day-to-day pattern ¡S
b) Family life: Christian mode <---> ordinary family
½× ÃÒ1: ¦´Á±Ð·| ªº ªÀ·|I´º: ®a®x¡C(®a®x±Ð·|)
½× ÃÒ2: ®a®x¦r·J ªº §@¥Î: ¹ªÀy®a®x¦¡ªºÃöÃh¡C
½× ÃÒ3: §Ì¥S¥Í¬¡ ªº ¨Ò¤l:(The Philadelphia Way of Life in the Early Church)
½× ÃÒ4: ¥~ ¤H ªº ¬Ýªk: §@¬°Control¡C
¤Þ ¨¥: ¦^±Ð°ê®a«H¥D«áªº§xÃø¡C
1.®a¤HªB¤Í¤ÏÀ³: ®a¤H©MªB¤ÍÂ÷±ó¥L,¦]¨Ï¥LÌ¥¢±¤l¡C
2.±Ð ·|ªº¤ÏÀ³: §Aªº«H¥D¨Ï§A±o¨ì´Á±æªº¶Ü¡S
®a®x,±Ð·|¤£²z¥L¡C ¦b³o¨Ç¤å¤Æ¤¤«H¥D·|¤Þ°_¸gÀÙ°ÝÃD¡C
µù: Seppo Syrjanen p.201f (Finnish scholar & missionary)
A.Period of Awareness
1.Moderning Society --> Lose of absoluteness eg prophet Muhammad.
2.Ethnic identity ---> Christianty as the religion of low-caste people.
B.Period of Decision
1.Meaning: Supernatural experience as proof.
2.Identity: Affective identification with a Christian.
C.Period of Intergration
Identity is predominant.
¬Æ»ò¬OÂk«H©O¡S(Conversion) :
µù¡GSeppo Syrjanen p.33¡@Rambo's ideas : Sandnes:
1) Tradition Transition
+=======+ ¢z¢w¢w¢{ 3)From one framework
| Islam |--->¢xChristianty¢x to another (diff)
+=======+ ¢|¢w¢w¢}
2) Institutioanl Transition
¢z¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢{ 2)Within the same Christian framework
¢x¡¼ ---> ¡¼ ¢x
3) Affiliation
¢z¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢{ 3)
¤£©e¨ ---> ±j¯P©e¨ ¢x
4) Deffection
¢z¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢{ 3)
¢x ±j¯P©e¨ ---> ¤£©e¨
5) Intensification
¢z¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢w¢{ 1)Intensification /Revitalization.
¢x ¡¼ -----> ¡¼ ¢x
¢x ^ ¢x
¢x ¡¼ ------| ¢x
1.¯« ¾Ç ¤W: ¡y¥X¶Â·t¤J¥ú©ú¡z®{2:47¤U; ¥±3:18
-->»P«H®{¦³·sªº¬Û¥æ¡C ªì«HªÌ«O«ù«H¥õªº¦]¯À¬O Åwªï¥Lªº·|²³(the welcoming congregation)¡C
¬O Seppo Syrjanen ©Ò±j½Õªº¡C
(P.L.Berger/T. Luckmann) The Social construction of a Reality
Primary Soicalization: upbringing of child. (identity) [The circle of intimacy
reltaionship is important.]
Secondary Soicalization: Conflicet with new sub-world [eg school mates, friends.
sometimes, it may be radical.]
A radical socialization may be compared to the primary socialization
The most obvious example is a religious conversion.
Conversion as socialization into a new group/forming a new identity.
Conditions of persistence of the conversion:
a.The conversion can only be maintained in a milieu that confirms the new identity.
b.This milieu has to replicate the setting of children's upbringing; in other
words a family-like fellowship.
Remarks : Application Problems
1) Community members don't know how to face nwe members--> fear to offend
(And sometimes due to the low self-esteem of community members themselves.)
2) They tend to interconnected in closed circle. (more secure)
·s®a®x: ¦´Á±Ð·|«H¥D«áªº§xÃø¡C(®a®x§xÃø) --> »Ýn¡u·s®a®x¡v
a.¥þ®a«H¥D (³q±`¬O®a¥D«HC¿q,¥þ®a¸ò±q¡C·í¥N¤å¤Æ¬O®a¥D¨M©w¥þ®a«H¥õªº!!)
¨Ò¦p: ®{ 11:14 ¡y¥i¥H¥s§A©M§Aªº¥þ®a±o±Ï¡z
b.«H¥D®É¬O¥¼±o®a¥D(pater familieas)¦P·N ©Î °f¥Lªº·N¨£ªº¡C
a.ªL«e 7:12-16 «Où´£¨ì¦b¤£«H¤V¤Òªº¤Ï¹ï®É,¦o¥i¥HÂ÷±B!!
b.©¼«e 3:1-2,4,16 ©¼±o´£¨ì¦b¤£«H¤V¤Òªº¤Ï¹ï®É,¦o«ç¼Ë³B²z¡C
a.°¨¦N¦w§Û¥»ªº¸ô23:2 ¥[¤W¡u¥L´ÛÄF°ü¤H©M¤p«Ä¡v¡C
b.¤GÓ¥j©Ô¤B¤å§Û¥»ªº¸ô23:5 ¥[¤W¡u¥L¤Þ§Ú̪º©d¤l©M«Ä¤lÂ÷¶}§ÚÌ¡v¡C
[°ÑµS´µ¤B(Justin Martyr) ªºÅ@±Ð(Apology) ²Ä¤G³¹¡C]
b.¥L¦è¯S(Tacitus) »¡°ò·þ®{·Ç³ÆÄ묹¤÷¥À,¤l¤k ©M¥S§Ì¡C
Apuleins) ¦b¥Lªº®Ñ¡uª÷Æj¡v(The
Golden Ass)¤¤
Á`µ²: ¥Dnªº°ÝÃD¬O¯}Ãa¤F®a®xªº©M¿Ó,¥HP¤Þ°_ªÀ·|¤£©M¿Ó¡C
a.Plutarch's Advice to Bride and Groom 19. (µù4)
µù4: Information on Plutarch: Koester, Helmut. Introduction to the NT Vol
History, Culture, & Religion of the Hellenistic Age (Philadelphia:
Fortress, 1982) pp.358-361 [«H¯«®Ñ¸¹ 225.09 k819i v.1]
Int: He doesn't belong to any philosophical school, but separated from market-place
philosophers becauses he has comprehensive education.
He is from Chaeronea in Boeotia (c.a. 46/48 - 120/125 CE), a noble family. studied
philosophy in Athen. At age 55, he become a priest of Apollo in Delphi. <
He is a younger contemporary of Paul>
His articles are collected under Moralia (Moral eudcation) He is a Platonist,
with some Stoic & Aristotelian thought. He criticizes the idols(in material
form) & myths of poets as divine.(He rejects allegorical interpretation)
He believes that there are two world souls between God & matter, one is
good & the other is evil (beneath the moon; under demons) Platonic world-view
& demons are widely accepted in his days.
b.¥L¦è¯S(Tacitus) »¡: (Ann. 15:44 quoted in Hengel p.60)
°ò·þ±Ð¬O¡u¤ÏªÀ·|ªº©v±Ð¡v,¡u¤HÃþªº¼Ä¤H¡v(odium humani generis)¡C
c.¦èù(Cicero)(ù°¨¤H) »¡:
®a¬O¤@Ó¯«¸tªº¦a¤è,®a®x·q«ô¬O«Ü«nªº! (®a¬O¸t©Ò!-->·q«ô°¸¹³¤§¦a¤è)
µù: ©d¤lt³d¶Ç¹F©v±Ð«H¥õ,¦Ó¥Bn·q«ô¤÷¿Ë(§Y¤V¤Ò)¡C[°Ñ´£¼¯¤Óªº¥À¿Ë]
ªþ: ¦P¾Ç¤À¨É: (»´äªº¤H«H¥D«áªº§xÃø¡C)
1) ¥j¥N®a®x -- ºîÄý (®a®x´£¨Ñ¬Æ»ò¡S)
1.®Ö¤ß®a®x(Nuclear/Conjugal family): ¤÷¥À©M¤l¤k¡C
¨Ò: Cicero, Cic. off I. 54-55 ®a®x¥]¬A¤Ò©d ©M ¤÷¥À¡Ð¤l¤k¨âºØÃö«Y¡C
2.¤j®a®x(Extended/Community family)
¨Ò: ¸ô 14:12 ¥]¬A¨ä¥L¥S§Ì©n©f¡@©M¡@ªí¥S©fµ¥¡C[¹ï¤ñ ¤Õ¤l«ä·Q]
C¿q»¡ºÙªù®{¬OªB¤Í, ¤£¬O¥D¹²¡C(¬OÄÝ©ó¦P¤@®a®x!)
3.±J¥D®a®x(Patron/Clients or friends): ¹³¤¤°êªº©s¹Á§g¡C
±J¥D´£¨Ñª«½è, ¦Ó¡uªB¤Í¡v¦b¤j¿ï®É¤ä«ù¥L¡C¦¹Ãö«Y¥iÂX®i¼Æ¥N¡C
¨Ò: ®{ 10:24,27(¡S); ¸ô 16 ªº ©Ô¼»¸ô¡C(¦³¾ÇªÌ¤£»{¬°©Ô¼»¸ô¬O»P¨º´I¤H¦³
Ãö¡CRohrbaugh, Richard L. The Biblical Interpreteter (Philadelphia:
Fortress, 1978) pp.77-78. The quthor take Lazarus as an outcasts of
society, but not "urban poor"(eg merchants, artisans,craftsmen) or
rural poor (peasants), or a friend of rich man as Dr. Sandnes sugg-
ested. [Bk code: 220.601 R636b C.2]
Ref:Dio Halicarnassus (Roman History)
Æ¡ Mutual support
Æ¢ Closely related to friendship. To be a friend is part of the
oikos (house).
Aristotle: live together share same opinion --> family.
Usuallly, they are nucleus families, but social bond is closely
knitted. eg dyadic personality: Jesus is called by his villagers
by his family. A man is nothing without hsi family.
However, in modern culture, individualism suppress dyadic personality.
Comtrast: OT -------------> abba
God as Father :
Israel Jesus
1. Group (dyadic) 1. Individual.
2. Remote 2. Close relationship with God.
Abba = daddy
3. ---------- 3. 'abba' is an distinctive.
Mk 14:36/ Rom 8:15/ Gal 4:6
¤Þ¨¥: ®a®xªºªÀ·|¥\¥Î±N·|¶°¤¤¡u¤j®a®x¡v--¦w¥þ©M·ÓÅUªº³d¥ô¡C¤j®a®x¬OªÀ·|³Ì
°ò ¥»ªº³æ¦ì, Âǵۥ¦¨Ó¤U¶ÇªÀ·|¦a¦ì©M°]´I¡C¤@Ó¤HªºªÀ·|¦a¦ì, ºaÅA©M¨¥÷»P
¥L©ÒÄݪº®a®x¦³±K¤ÁªºÃö«Y¡C®a®x´£¨Ñ¦¨û¨¥÷, ÂkÄÝ·P©MªÀ·|¤Wªº¤ä«ù©M«O
»Ù--- ¡u¶°Ê^¤H®æ¡v(a dyadic personality)¡C[B.J.Malina]
1.¤÷¥À¹ï¤l¤kªº³d¥ô ©M ¤l¤k¹ï¤÷¥Àªº³d¥ô¡C
4.¹ïªB¤Íªº³d¥ô¡CªB¤Í¤£¥i¦h,¦]nt«Ü¤Óªº³d¥ô¡C(¹ï¤ñ: ¤¤°êªº¡u¤K«ô¤§¥æ¡v)
2) ¦r ·J: ·s¬ù¤¤ªº®a®x¦r·J¡C(ªì«HªÌ¹J¤W¤@Өϥήa®x¦r·Jªº¸sÊ^)
a.¤÷ ¯«: ¤Ó5:45 <¹ï¤ñ ¥H¦â¦C¥Á¥H¯«¬°¤÷>
b.²£ ·~: ¸ô15:11-32
c.·s®a®x: ¥i10:23-30ªº¦^³ø¬O ¥i3:31-35¡C(·sºØ«¬ªº®a®x)
«H®{¬O¯«ªº¨à¤l: ¬O«á¸Ç--> ¥S§Ì©n©f¡C ¥±2:11-20
¥Lµ¹«H®{ªº®Ñ«H: ªù 16 --> ¡y§Ì¥SÌ¡z(¤åªk¤W¥un¦³¤@Ó¨k©Ê¦b«Ü¦h
·s ®a ®x: ¥[3:28
3) °ò·þ®{«ç¼Ë¥Í¬¡¹ï¤ñ¥j¥Nªº®a®x (How Christians live together, compared with Antiquity family.)
µù: ¡y§Ì¥S¡z(ù14:10,15,21) ·|²³¤¤¦³¯Éª§¡C ¥L¨Ï¥Î³æ¼Æ¨Óªí¹F±¡·P©M¿Ë¤Á·P¡C
¥±2:11-20 ¡y±q«e(v.11) ...........²{¦b(v.13)¡z(pote........nuni)
¥~¤H ®a¤¤¦¨û (¥[ 6:10)
¹ï¨à¤lªº©R¥O(imperative of a son) [¹ï¤ñ ¥i3]
N.B. In family, polarity of sex is important; but Paul's ignores it in church.
Therefore, family-like (Jesus' approach), not family as such.
½× ÃÒ 1: ¦´Á±Ð·| ªº ªÀ·|I´º: ®a®x¡C(®a®x±Ð·|)
ù °¨: ù 16:5,10-11, 14-15
ô ªL ¦h: ªL«e1:14-16; 16:15; ù 16:23; ®{ 18:2,7-8
°í ² ù: ù 16:1-2
©«¼»Ã¹¥§{: ®{ 17:5-6
µÌ ¥ß ¤ñ: ®{ 16:15,33,40
¥H ¥± ©Ò: ®{ 20:20; ªL«e 16:19; ´£«á 4:19
ô ù ¦è: ªù 1-2
¦Ñ ©³ ¹Å: ¦è 4:15
¸Ó ¼» §Q¨È: ®{ 10:1-11:18; 21:8-9
C ¸ô ¼»§N: ®{ 1:12-14; 2:46; 5:42; 8:3; 12:12
B.³o¨Ç®a®x±Ð·|¬O«ç¼Ë¶}©lªº©O ¡S
1.²z½×: ¡u¤@®a¤§¥D¡v«HC¿q,¥þ®aÂk¥D¡C
®{ 11:14 ¡y¥i¥H¥s§A©M§Aªº¥þ®a±o±Ï¡z
®{ 16:15,40 (±Ð·|¸sÊ^ªº®Ö¤ß¬O®a®x)
¥L̤@µf¡A´N¨«¤F¡C µù: §f©³¨È(Lydia)¥i¯à¬O¹è°ü,Ä~Äò¤V¤Òªº¥Í·N¡C
®{ 16:31-34
®{ 18:8
«ö®{16:31-34 ©M18:8 ¦³¥H¤U¼Ò¦¡:
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a.ù 16:23¡y±µ«Ý¥þ±Ð·|ªº¸ÓµS(Gaius)¡z©M ªL«e14:23¡C
b.µS´µ¤B(Justin Martyr) ¦º©ó¥D«á165¦~¡C¦bù°¨¡C
¦b 1 Apol.67 ,¥L»¡: ¡u¦b¬P´Á¤é,©Ò¦³¤H»E¶°¦b¤@³B¦a¤è¡C¡v
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The Significance of the family for the growth of early Christianty
Jesus's family; Jesus movement(apostle's); Early church: John Mark
Householde Code and House Community
Because Christians lived in household as well as house church.
µù2: Derek Tidball, An Introduction to the Sociology of the NT, p.76f
1) City Community : Politeria
A City is under Rome, but has local ruler, coins, customs etc.
Herod's divinity (Ac 12:19-23; Lk22:25)-->Ac 14:11-18; 19:23-41; 28:
1-6. Dissatissafication arises: a)seek universal brotherhood
b) ideal city c)church ---> all men are members.
2) Household Community: Oikonomia
families or sometimes individuals under a senior male.
friends/clients <---- freed slave voluntarily join.
3) Voluntary association : Koinonia
Status & emotional outlet. Roman doesn't concern--> secrecy caused
ban. Assoication's deity.(1 Cor 8) Judaism as voluntary association
AD 120 Emperor Trajan's reply to Pliny's examination of christians.
½× ÃÒ 2: ®a®x¦r·J ªº §@¥Î: ¹ªÀy®a®x¦¡ªºÃöÃh¡C
Admonitions to practice brotherly love:
Philadelphia ; 1Jn 3:17; Rom 12:10
The Body Metaphor - The Community as brotherhood
1 Cor 12:4-30
½× ÃÒ 3: §Ì¥S¥Í¬¡ ªº ¨Ò¤l:(The Philadelphia Way of Life in the
Early Church)
¹ïÀ³ ®a®xªº¤TÓ§@¥Î:Caring & sharing, hospitality, support for prisoners.
A sharing & caring fellowship