舊約(Old Testament) |
應用神學(Application) |
書評 (Book Review) |
Midi: As the Deer
7. 保羅書信的社會學研究 (近代研究扼要和回應) Sociology of Pauline Epistles
Paul and his Contemporary Judaism
a. Sociological Methods in New Testament (annotated bibliography)
B 舊約
11A 傳道書神學初探 Theology of Ecclesiates
Contemporary Studies in the Old Testament: post-exilic
Sociological Approach in Jeremiah
The Historical, Literary Analysis and Message of Ezekiel
C 應用神學
14. 香港宣教會恩錫堂的教會增長分析 (中文) [因為有教會內部資料,而且已經過時; 所要我決定不公開]
D 歷史神學
15. 衛斯理的罪觀
16. 香港宣教會的簡史 (中文)
E 靈修神學
F 書評
17. 早期基督教的運動 (Gerd Theissen)
Theissen, Gerd. The Social Setting of Pauline Christianity. tr. by John H. Schutz. (Edinburgh: T & T Clark, 1982.)
Theissen, Gerd. Sociology of Early Palestinian Christianity. tr. by John Bowden. (Philadelphia: Fortress, 1978.)
Theissen, Gerd. The Shadow of the Galilean Jesus: The quest of the historical Jesus in narrative form. tr. by John Bowden.
; (Philadelphia: Fortress, 1987.)
18. 對路加福音及使徒行傳的 女性神學的入手法(Studies in Feminist Theology: The Feminist issues in Luke-Acts)
Seim, Turid Karlsen. The Double Message: Patterns of Gender in Luke-Acts.(Edinburgh: T & T Clark, 1994).
Corley, Kathleen E. Private Women, Public Meals: Social Conflict in the Synoptic Tradition. (Peabody: Hendrickson, 1993).